1. General Provisions

    1.1. The Affiliate agrees to familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of the Affiliate Program before commencing any work with the Company and to accept them.

    1.2. Membership in the Affiliate Program is limited to individuals aged 18 and above who meet the program’s conditions. The Company bears no responsibility to third parties for the Affiliate’s failure to adhere to the age requirement. If this clause is violated, the Company reserves the right to withhold Earnings and suspend the Affiliate’s account.

    1.3. The Affiliate assumes full responsibility for the security and storage of personal data, including login credentials. The Company is not liable for any loss or transfer of personal data by the Affiliate to third parties.

    1.4. The Company reserves the right to refuse cooperation with any Affiliate under the Affiliate Program, with no obligation to provide reasons for such refusal.

    1.5. The Company retains sole discretion to modify, amend, or revise this Agreement without prior notice to the Affiliate. Any changes take effect immediately upon posting on the Website. While the Company may notify the Affiliate of such changes, it is the Affiliate’s responsibility to review the Agreement regularly for updates. Continued use of the Company’s services and products after modifications implies acceptance of the revised Agreement. The version published on the Affiliate Program website is deemed the valid version.

    1.6. Affiliate registration under the Affiliate Program is strictly limited to one per individual, and re-registration, including as a sub-affiliate, is prohibited.

  2. Placement of Advertising Materials

    2.1. Collaboration with the Affiliate in the Affiliate Program involves placing Advertising materials on the Affiliate’s resource(s).

    2.2. When placing Advertising materials as part of cooperation with the Company, the Affiliate must adhere strictly to applicable laws, regulatory requirements, and ethical standards in the placement country. Only Advertising materials that have been moderated and approved by the Company should be used.

    2.3. Any Advertising materials created by the Affiliate must undergo moderation and approval by the Affiliate Program representative. Violation of this clause may result in consequences specified in clause 2.9.

    2.4. The Affiliate is responsible for ensuring the relevance and accuracy of Advertising materials on their resource(s), including websites, social media, and messaging platforms. Irrelevant Advertising materials include incorrect promotion conditions, outdated creatives, irrelevant Company logos, and links to competitor websites. The Company reserves the right to review the Agreement terms with the Affiliate and block the Affiliate’s account in case of violations.

    2.5. The Affiliate is solely responsible for the operation and content of the resource(s) where Advertising materials are placed.

    2.6. The Affiliate must prevent the placement of materials on their resource(s) that are slanderous, illegal, harmful, threatening, obscene, discriminatory, or violate rights.

    2.7. The Affiliate may not promote the Company’s website in prohibited countries or use motivated traffic.

    2.8. Motivated (including schematic) traffic is prohibited for use by the Affiliate.

    2.9. The Company is not liable for claims related to the Affiliate’s resource(s) or any associated products/services. In case of Advertising material violations, the Affiliate will receive a warning and must rectify the violation within 5 business days. Failure to do so may result in blocked Payments and revised cooperation terms.

  3. Sources of Traffic

    3.1. The Affiliate must provide comprehensive information about their traffic sources during registration.

    3.2. Intentional concealment of traffic sources may lead to punitive actions such as blocked Payments and revised cooperation terms.

    3.3. The Company’s Moderation Service oversees traffic source compliance, and the Affiliate can seek clarification from Affiliate Program Support.

  4. Restrictions on Intellectual Property Use

    4.1. The Affiliate is prohibited from copying the appearance of Company websites or landing pages, including trademarks and trade names. Additionally, the Affiliate may not use Company logos, trademarks, or copyrighted materials without authorization.

    The Affiliate must not create the impression that they are affiliated or managed by the primary Brand of the Company or any associated brands.

    4.2. The Affiliate may not use the Company’s logos, graphics, or marketing materials without explicit consent from the Company’s representatives, except for materials provided through the Affiliate Program.

    4.3. The Affiliate agrees not to register or use any variation of the main Brand’s name or other Company brands in their website’s domain, internal pages, or mobile applications, which may cause confusion or mislead users. The Company reserves the right to assess the potential for confusion.

    4.4. The Affiliate is prohibited from acquiring, registering, or using keywords, search queries, or identifiers in search engines, portals, advertising services, or other search/reference services that are identical or similar to the Company’s trademarks or any other Company-owned brands. This includes using meta tags on the Affiliate’s website that replicate or resemble any of the Company’s trademarks.

  5. Competition

    5.1. The Affiliate commits not to use or distribute Advertising Materials on behalf of the Company’s administration, managers, or employees, including those of the Affiliate Program, unless authorized. Official communications and appeals to customers must originate from email addresses listed on the Company’s website.

    5.2. The Affiliate may not engage potential customers in ways that compete with the Company’s promotion of its websites.

    5.3. The Affiliate is restricted from using spam emails, contextual advertising with the Company’s Brands, or advertising formats like clickunder and popunder to advertise the Company.

    5.4. The Affiliate agrees not to offer incentives, financial or otherwise, to potential New Users without the prior written consent of the Company as part of the Affiliate Program, except for standard advertising programs provided by the Company through the Affiliate Program.

    5.5. The Affiliate cannot register its own player account with the Company using its Referral link or conspire with other users.

    5.6. The Affiliate is prohibited from using cookie-stuffing techniques, including opening the website in iframes of zero size or in invisible zones, implementing tags, cookie scripts, or similar manipulations.

    5.7. The Affiliate cannot use the view-through attribution model for promoting the Company’s applications.

    5.8. Violation of clauses 5.1 – 5.7 may result in the Company revising cooperation terms with the Affiliate or closing the Affiliate Account.

  6. Confidential Information

    6.1. During the Agreement term, the Affiliate may access confidential information related to the Company’s business, operations, technologies, and the Affiliate Program, including Earnings and commissions received.

    6.2. The Affiliate agrees not to disclose or share any confidential information with third parties without prior written consent from the Company. Confidential information is to be used solely to fulfill the objectives of this Agreement, and the Affiliate’s obligations regarding confidentiality persist even after Agreement termination.

    6.3. Violation of clauses 6.1 – 6.2 may lead to termination of the Agreement by the Company and penalties as per applicable laws on protecting confidential information.

  7. Fee for Attracting New Users

    7.1. The Affiliate’s Earnings are variable and depend on the Company’s income generated from New users registered through the Affiliate’s Referral link, as well as the quality of traffic.

    7.2. Failure to attract more than 3 New users in 3 consecutive calendar months may result in the Company modifying the cooperation terms with the Affiliate, including fee reductions or suspension of the Affiliate account. In certain cases, termination of the Agreement with the Affiliate may be considered. Conversely, active promotion of the Company’s brands by the Affiliate may lead to improved cooperation terms, such as increased fees, with notification sent to the Affiliate’s provided email address.

    In turn, the Affiliate’s active actions in promoting the Company’s brands may become an occasion for improving the conditions of cooperation, in particular, increasing the amount of the fee. The Affiliate will be notified thereof by letter to the email address provided in the Affiliate Account.

  8. Fee Payment

    8.1. The Company’s Affiliate Program reserves the right to delay Payments to the Affiliate for up to 2 months in the event of unforeseen technical issues within the Affiliate Program or for verification purposes regarding the Affiliate and their traffic sources. In case of delayed payment, the Affiliate can inquire about the reasons with their personal manager representing the Affiliate Program within the Company.

    8.2. The Affiliate agrees not to disclose or transfer any confidential information to third parties unless the Affiliate has prior written consent from the Company. The Affiliate shall use confidential information only to achieve the objectives of this Agreement. The Affiliate’s obligations regarding confidential information shall survive after the termination of this Agreement.

    8.3. In case of violation of cl. 6.1 – 6.2 of this Agreement, the Company shall have the right to terminate the Agreement with the Affiliate and apply penalties in accordance with applicable laws on protection of the confidential information.

  9. Dispute settlement procedure

    9.1. The Affiliate may challenge any decisions of the representatives of the Affiliate Program. For this purpose, the Affiliate shall contact the Affiliate Program Support Service and state its arguments.

    9.2. All information shall be provided by the Affiliates only in writing to the official e-mail of the Affiliate Program Support Service. The contact details of the Support Service are given on the website of the Affiliate Program.

    9.3. The Affiliate Program Support Service shall have the right to refuse to consider a complaint if the Affiliate fails to provide evidence of the absence of a violation.